Birth Place: Cape Coral Florida |
Birthday: December 31st 1991 |
| Astrological Sign:
Capricorn |
| Pets:
| Zoey "His Golden Retriever" |
| Morris and Greezy Cat |
Favorite Number: 9 |
High School Sports:
| Baseball #9 |
| Football #31 |
Favorite Sports Team: Ohio State Buckeyes |
| Dude |
| Devvy |
| Fuzzy to big brother |
Favorite Activities:
| Hunting & Fishing |
| Motocross |
| Water Skiing |
| Playing Guitar |
| Watching TV |
| Star Gazing |
| Hanging With Friends |
| Favorite Foods:
| Mac & Cheese |
| Zucchini Bread |
| Pumpkin Pie |
| Hot Wings |
| Pepperoni & Cheese Pizza |
| Chocolate Covered Donuts |
| Chocolate Milk |
| Goals:
| Planned to attend college at Ohio State or Ohio
University |
| Wanted to be a Game Warden or Marine Biologist
Dislikes: Mean People & Yard Work